Editing Services

Good scientific content deserves clear writing. We have brought together teams with expertise in subject-relevant editing, and reviews to ensure that manuscripts meet international standards of scientific English and are free of grammatical, spelling and other common language errors. There are three ways we can help. View sample

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Advanced Editing
(Starts at $0.06 per word)
Ideal for papers that have been
accepted by the journal and need a
final round of language check
Final grammar check and proofread for well-organized documents
Use this service if your paper is well-organized and complete with inputs from all co-authors
What you will receive
  • Detailed language check
    (grammar, punctuation, spelling, & terminology)
  • Unlimited Q&A with the editor
  • Re-editing support at 60% discount
  • Editing certificate (upon request)
  • Journal-specific formatting
Premium Editing
(Starts at $0.09 per word)
Ideal for papers that need to be
edited and formatted before
submitting for the first time
Publication-focused editing that makes your manuscript ready for initial submission.
Choose this service if you would like the editor to check the language and organization of your paper. The editor will also provide feedback on your writing.
What you will receive
  • Detailed language check
    (grammar, punctuation, spelling, & terminology)
  • Intensive edit for organization
    (rephrasing and restructuring)
  • Customized cover letter
  • Feedback on original writing
  • Editing certificate (upon request)
  • Unlimited free re-edits for 365 days
  • Journal-specific formatting
Premium Editing PLUS
(Starts at $0.1 per word)
Ideal for papers that need to be resubmitted to the journal after
making substantial revisions
Publication-focused editing that includes post-submission editorial support
Select this service if you need thorough manuscript revisions and guidance on communicating with journal editors after submission.
What you will receive
  • Detailed language check
    (grammar, punctuation, spelling, & terminology)
  • Intensive edit for organization
    (rephrasing and restructuring)
  • Customized cover letter
  • Feedback on original writing
  • Editing certificate (upon request)
  • Unlimited free re-edits for 365 days
  • Journal-specific formatting
  • Journal response letter editing
  • Crosschecking of revisions with reviewer comments

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"Its really a high quality editing service and I'm quite pleased about the work. If an author is seeking qualified writing and publication support, this is really true address."

Ugur Erdemir, Associate Professor Istanbul University

Payment options

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, and Discover, and have partnered with 2 payment gateways for your convenience—PayPal and CC Avenue. The payment gateways available to you will differ depending on your country and the card you choose to use.