APA Publishing Journals

Our journals provide worldwide visibility for researchers and their work. We offer many publication options across our portfolio; from niche titles focusing on a developing or established area of research, to broader titles covering the entire spectrum of physics and its related disciplines—including multi/interdisciplinary work.

All of our journals are supported by Editorial Boards made up of leading researchers, and we work closely with them to ensure we provide the best service to the community.

Scroll through the list below, or search by subject area, to see where your next paper could be published.

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Specialty: Journal title
Basic/Experimental Psychology Canadian Journal Experimental Psychology
Basic/Experimental Psychology Journal of Comparative Psychology
Basic/Experimental Psychology Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition
Basic/Experimental Psychology Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
Basic/Experimental Psychology Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Basic/Experimental Psychology Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Basic/Experimental Psychology Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Basic/Experimental Psychology Motivation Science
Basic/Experimental Psychology Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research and Practice
Clinical & Counseling Psychology American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Clinician's Research Digest: Adult Populations
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Clinician's Research Digest: Child and Adolescent Populations
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Couple & Family Psychology: Research & Practice
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Dreaming
Clinical & Counseling Psychology International Journal of Play Therapy
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Journal of Counseling Psychology
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Journal of Psychotherapy Integration
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Journal of Rural Mental Health
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Practice Innovations
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Psychoanalytic Psychology
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Psychological Assessment
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Psychological Services
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Psychotherapy
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Spirituality in Clinical Practice
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Training & Education in Professional Psychology
Developmental Psychology Behavioral Development Bulletin
Developmental Psychology Developmental Psychology
Developmental Psychology Psychology and Aging
Educational Psychology Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
Educational Psychology Journal of Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology
Educational Psychology School Psychology Quarterly
Forensic Psychology Journal of Threat Assessment and Management
Forensic Psychology Law and Human Behavior
Forensic Psychology Psychology, Public Policy & Law
General Psychology American Psychologist
General Psychology Archives of Scientific Psychology
General Psychology Canadian Psychology
General Psychology History of Psychology
General Psychology International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation
General Psychology Journal Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology
General Psychology Psychological Bulletin
General Psychology Psychological Methods
General Psychology Psychological Review
General Psychology Qualitative Psychology
General Psychology Review of General Psychology
General Psychology Translational Issues in Psychological Science
Health Psychology & Medicine Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology
Health Psychology & Medicine Families, Systems, & Health
Health Psychology & Medicine Health Psychology
Health Psychology & Medicine International Journal of Stress Management
Health Psychology & Medicine Neuropsychology
Health Psychology & Medicine Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal
Health Psychology & Medicine Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, & Policy
Health Psychology & Medicine Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
Health Psychology & Medicine Rehabilitation Psychology
Health Psychology & Medicine Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology
Health Psychology & Medicine Stigma and Health
Health Psychology & Medicine Traumatology
I/O Psychology & Management Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research
I/O Psychology & Management Journal of Applied Psychology
I/O Psychology & Management Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
I/O Psychology & Management Military Psychology
I/O Psychology & Management The Psychologist-Manager Journal
Neuroscience & Cognition Behavioral Neuroscience
Neuroscience & Cognition Decision
Neuroscience & Cognition Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics
Neuroscience & Cognition Psychology & Neuroscience
Neuroscience & Cognition Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, & Brain
Social Psychology & Social Processes Asian American Journal of Psychology
Social Psychology & Social Processes Canadian Journal of Behaviour Science
Social Psychology & Social Processes Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology
Social Psychology & Social Processes Emotion
Social Psychology & Social Processes Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences
Social Psychology & Social Processes Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice
Social Psychology & Social Processes Journal of Family Psychology
Social Psychology & Social Processes Journal of Latino/a Psychology
Social Psychology & Social Processes Journal Personality and Social Psychology
Social Psychology & Social Processes Peace & Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology
Social Psychology & Social Processes Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity & Arts
Social Psychology & Social Processes Psychology of Men and Masculinity
Social Psychology & Social Processes Psychology of Popular Media Culture
Social Psychology & Social Processes Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Social Psychology & Social Processes Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
Social Psychology & Social Processes Psychology of Violence
Social Psychology & Social Processes The Humanistic Psychologist