Welcome APA authors!

Find all the help you need for scholarly publishing

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APA along with Editage now supports your manuscripts through publication with editing, design and artwork, plagiarism audit and technical review assistance, featuring unlimited edits until you are entirely satisfied. We also offer invaluable research communication solutions to help you communicate your research.

How it works?

Select a service and a plan


Upload document and request customized price quote


Receive a customized price quote and delivery date


Confirm quote and place order


Make payment and download edited document

Why Choose Us?

Quality guarantee

We commit to providing you with a manuscript free of language issues. We will re-edit your manuscript free of cost if the quality is not up to par.

Delivery guarantee

We guarantee that all editing assignments will be delivered at the date and time stipulated at the time of assignment confirmation. We will waive the full fee for any editing assignment that is delayed due to an error on our part.


We adhere to a privacy policy that guarantees 100% confidentiality and allows researchers worldwide to submit their work to us with complete confidence.